Sunday, June 2, 2013

What is a teddy bear clip on a poodle.

What is a Teddy Bear Poodle clip?
How do I tell my groomer what I want?
Bring a picture of a poodle in a teddy bear clip with you to your groom. I suggest you interview several groomers and ask if they are expert on hand fluff drying and hand scissoring.
The TB clip requires that the dogs head and legs be hand scissor symmetrically.
After bathing and hand fluff drying to get all the curl out of the hair. The head should be hand scissor round. Equal in lengthen all the way around. For instance the length on the top of the head should be the same as under the jaw and on the sides of the face, a well balanced look.

The back can be taken down with a long blade (depending on how long you want the body), comb or hand scissor, dropping off at the shoulder and hip, leaving the shoulders and hips to be scissor blended into the legs. The legs should be scissor, leaving the hair equal in length all the way around. Under the feet, between the eyes, around the rectum, and the belly should be shaved with a # 10 or #30 blade. For the back a long blade like#3 or #4 will leave the hair just shy of ½ inch. A blade with a long comb on it can leave the hair ½ “to 1 “.

Proper fluff drying to stretch the hair straight is very important. If you don’t do this to curly poodle hair will be very uneven and look terrible in a few days when the coat that was left curly relaxes.
Hand straightening the coat will ensure that the hair is cut evenly.

The ears can be bobbed off if you like the look. This will help keep the ears from getting into the food or water when they eat and drink.

Any hand scissor clip is tedious and requires that your dog is well behaved and will stand still. A scissor teddy bear clip also requires that your dog’s hair is not matted or tangled when you bring it in to the groomer. Some groomers are good at de-matting the coat and some will just shave it all off. De-matting usually cost you extra. Work with your dog at home making them stand to get brushed. Don’t lay them on your lap or on the ground. It is also helpful to brush your dog up on a table. Touch your dog’s feet so they are used to having their feet touched. Also practice holding your dogs head still by lightly holding on to the bottom whiskers.  Weekly or bi weekly brushing is usually required to keep their coat from getting tangled.

Take your dog in for regular grooming. Once a groomer has a pattern set it is a lot easier to keep it maintained. Waiting until your dogs hair is 2-3 inches long will require a lot of extra work in both drying and scissoring the dog. Poodle hair grows about 1/2” a month and should be groomed at least every 8-10 weeks. This should be considered it you are interested in purchasing a poodle puppy.

Cathy Adamson
Owner: Lil Poodles
What is the difference between a Teddy Bear face Toy Poodle and a standard faced Toy Poodle?
I have been breeding and showing Poodles for over 30 yrs and just lately I have noticed a lot of people becoming more interested in my Teddy Bear Face Teacup, Tiny Toy and Toy Poodles.
This article will describe the difference and show pictures of two Poodles. I have shaved the face like a poodle on both of them even though one of them is a Teddy Bear Poodle. The best way to see the difference is when they have their face’s shaved. I have taken similar photos of the two dogs in the same position so you can make a comparison.
1.      The Teddy Bear face Poodle has a short and broad muzzle.
2.      The scull is round instead of long and narrow. And often shorter than the standard head, from the occiput to the stop. The occiput being the back of the scull and the stop being the spot between the eyes.
3.      The eyes are usually round instead of almond or oval shaped.
 A standard/regular Poodle head looks like the pictures below. The AKC standard says:
Head and Expression
(a) Eyes-- very dark, oval in shape and set far enough apart and positioned to create an alert intelligent expression. Major fault: eyes round, protruding, large or very light.
(b) Ears-- hanging close to the head, set at or slightly below eye level. The ear leather is long, wide and thickly feathered; however, the ear fringe should not be of excessive length.
(c) Skull-- moderately rounded, with a slight but definite stop. Cheekbones and muscles flat. Length from occiput to stop about the same as length of muzzle. (The occiput is the back of the scull the stop is the spot between the eyes.)
(d) Muzzle-- long, straight and fine, with slight chiseling under the eyes. Strong without lippiness. The chin definite enough to preclude snipiness. Major fault: lack of chin. Teeth-- white, strong and with a scissors bite. Major fault: undershot, overshot, wry mouth.

I hope this helps you understand the different Poodle head shapes. The two dogs pictured here are both AKC registered Toy Poodles but have very different looks. Most people who have a Teddy Bear face Poodle prefer to have their groomer leave the hair on the face and not shave the  face as I have done here. For the Teddy bear clip the groomer leaves hair on the top of the head and on the muzzle. She will scissor it round to give it the teddy bear look. You can make a poodle with a standard head look more like a teddy bear by not shaving the muzzle, have your groomer leave hair on the muzzle and top of the head and scissor it rounded. There are several pictures of adult poodles on my website groomed in both the teddy bear clip and in the poodle clip.
What is a Teddy Bear Poodle

Here at Lil Poodles we specialize and are the #1 breeder of Tiny Teddy Bear Poodles. Most people say, they don’t look like Poodles at all. Teddy Bear Faced Poodles will look like puppies forever.

It is all about the adorable round fuzzy face.
The Teddy Bear Faced Poodles have a round head and eyes with a short nose and a broad muzzle.

In fact the Teacup Poodles and Toy Poodles if kept in a Teddy Bear Clip when groomed will look like puppies all their lives. A teddy bear clip leaves hair on the face and feet and it is rounded with the scissors. In a traditional poodle clip the face and feet are usually shaved.

Teddy Bear Teacup puppies and TB Toy Poodle puppies are growing in popularity. People who are not fond of the traditional poodle look are falling in love with these dogs. They enjoy the intelligence and clean non – shedding, hypo – allergenic benefits of owning a poodle with a new look.

I have people tell me all the time, I wish my puppy would never grow up and look like a puppy forever. A Tiny Teddy Bear Faced Poodle is exactly what you are looking for. Teacup Poodles usually weigh 4 lbs and under, tiny Toy Poodles usually weigh 4-5 lbs and a Toy Poodle usually weigh 5-8 lbs. Each of these sizes will be registered as a Toy Poodle because Poodles that are 10 inches and under are registered as Toy.

Teddy Bear Teacup Poodle puppies and Teddy Bear Toy Poodle puppies are a specialty and are as cute as they can be. Yes they are AKC recognized.

I have been breeding Poodles of over 30 yrs, I have found once you own a poodle you will never switch breeds. They are just like having a 4 legged child, a new member of your family. Poodles can adapt to almost any life style. They have tons of individual character, are funny, loveable and protective. Their soft hair is very snuggly and wonderful to touch, and they love to be spoiled.

The Teacup Poodle and Toy Poodles are great for apartment living and people with small homes.

Cathy Adamson
Owner of Lil Poodles